San Diego Elopement & Wedding Photographer

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Gloucester, MA Engagement Session

The North Shore is the best. It's such a picturesque part of Massachusetts that still has so much character and Boston in it. Nell and Kayote contacted me about doing engagement photos and when Nell said she lived in Gloucester, I jumped at the chance to shoot there! I'm not a huge beach person, but I have to say that this winter has really made me fall in love with the beach...but just in the winter (I'm a lakes girl myself). Nell and Kayote are a total riot and were a blast to shoot with. They showed me all around Gloucester and we had such a great time. They were also totally cool with romping through knee deep snow so we could get to some really great spots. Adventurous couples are my favorite and I feel so lucky that I keep getting to meet so many of them!


Nell is going to be running the Boston Marathon as part of B.good's Burger Brigade. The Burger Brigade runs to raise funds for B.good's Family Foundation, which aims to provide grants to a collection of passionate individuals with a burning desire to change things for the better. They believe  that "the most sustainable, impactful changes are the ones communities design for themselves."  She had the burger with her, so we figured we'd take a couple shots with it on! If you're interested in donating, please head over to her page HERE.